November 2004 Archives

11.07.2004 18:52

Welcome to NanoBlogger!

The basic syntax is: nb [-b blog_dir] [options]

How to ...
  • create a new weblog (directory) = nb -b [blog_dir] -a
  • create a new entry = nb -a
  • create a new category = nb -c new -a
  • create a new entry for a category = nb -c [cat_id] -a
  • list current entries = nb -l [current|all]
  • list categories = nb -l cat
  • list entries by category = nb -c [cat_id] -l [current|all]
  • edit an entry = nb -e [entry_id]
  • move an entry to a category = nb -c [cat_id] -m [entry_id]
  • delete an entry = nb -d [entry_id]
  • delete a category = nb -c [cat_id] -d cat
  • delete an entry from a category = nb -c [cat_id] -d [entry_id]
  • force update of weblog = nb -u [current|all|main]

Thank you for trying NanoBlogger. Please direct comments and suggestions to the mailing list or submit a bug report to the project page on

Posted by n1xt3r | Permanent Link