August 2005 Archives
24 August 2005
Time Left
I hope that that is the end of the matter.
The bouncing around the screen business has been rejected on two grounds:
- It is aesthetically unacceptable
- I don't have a clue how to do it
- I have better things to do with my time
20 August 2005
How I Paid for College

- A Novel of Sex, Theft, Friendship and Musical Theatre
- Marc Acuito
- 288 pages
- ISBN: 0747576580
I wasn't really expecting much, but somehow I seem to have demolished the 300-odd pages in less than a week. It isn't a book that's going to change the world, or even change anybody's life, but it's quite fun, and doesn't suffer in the way `teen coming of age' movies do, in that they left the sex and drugs in.
To be critical, the book is annoyingly American, not so much in the cultural sense (which is obviously part of the book) but in the language of the book itself.
Probably wouldn't pay more than £3 for it, or even buy other books by the same author, but I can think of a few people who'd enjoy it as a light holiday read.
Rating: 2/5
20 August 2005

- Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon
- 113 min, 15, Broadway
Crash is a film that it's very hard to explain what happens, but in general its an exploration of stereotypes, particularly racial stereotypes, but also looks at the idea of "good" and "bad". Refreshingly, the film avoids many of the Hollywood clichès, and it's nice to see Sandra Bullock doing something a bit different. It was also nice to see a film that wasn't just an ego trip for a big name, but instead a serious of well developed characters that played second fiddle to the film itself.
11 August 2005
The deadline looms
I just handed in my intent to submit form, which is the bit of paperwork the university needs in order to start going through all the red tape needed to find an external assessor (and in my case an internal assessor, as my original internal is now my supervisor).
Amongst other things, the form states that I intend to submit by the 18th November, which by my reckoning gives me 99 days to finally finish the damn thing off. In fact, I've just written the following script, which knowing me, I will be checking every ten minutes from now till then. In fact I'm tempted to set it as a prompt command....
99 days, 2 hours and 0 minutes#!/bin/sh handin=`date -d "18 November 2005 12:00" +%s` now=`date +%s` left=$(($handin - $now)) days=$(($left/(24*60*60))) hours=$(($left/(60*60)-24*$days)) minutes=$(($left/(60)-(24*$days+$hours)*60)) echo $days days, $hours hours and $minutes minutes
08 August 2005
The Algebraist

- Author: Iain M. Banks
- 544 pages
- ISBN:1841491551
I picked this up for a fiver in Fopp, during one of my occasional rash spending sprees (I think I bought I couple of CDs and a DVD at the same time), but having read it, I feel guilty for having paid so little for such a good book. I'm a pretty big fan of Iain — both his sci-fi and his more mainstream stuff (although I think the distinction is pretty blurred, especially with things like The Bridge and Walking on Glass), and one thing I particularly like is his ability to generate a whole new 'universe' with each new book.
By contrast to his earlier 'Culture' universe, this civilisation is much less advanced, being restricted to STL (slower than light) travel and communication, and the outlawing of AI (which were so prominent in things like Excession).
If I were to criticise this book, I would have to say it leaves me wanting for more, particularly a desire to know what happens to some of the well developed, but under utilised characters in the book.
Anyway, I loved the book, and am planning on rereading Excession in the next few weeks.
Rating: 4/505 August 2005
You have two publications to your name in fact:-
- Rigid block distinct element modelling of dry-stone retaining walls in plane strain, with M. Claxton, R. Hart & P.McCombie, in ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 131, 3, pp 381-389, 2005.
- Distinct Element Modelling of Masonry Retaining Walls, with R.Hart and M.Claxton, in Proceedings 6th Australasian Masonry Conference, 185-194, Adelaide, Australia, July 2001
The second paper I knew about, but the first (in a real journal!!!) was a big surprise to me. What's more, after I managed to get a copy from the e-journals service, I realised that it really is a lot of my work.
Time to go update my CV :)