The film isn't bad, as such, it just isn't good. I honestly don't understand why this film has got anybody's back up. As far as I can tell the biggest concern is that people might not realise this is all fiction. Yeah right. Even "Batman Begins" had a more plausible plot than this film...
My biggest regret about this film though is that it reinforces the "Box office takings = Success" myth that is ultimately going to destroy cinema, and I suppose by paying to see it I have helped hammer another nail in the coffin.
Rating: 2/5
The trivia section on for the film is interesting. e.g.:
The film required 2.8 tons of Plasticine in 42 colours and 1000 baby-wipes per week to wipe it off animators' fingers.
Rating: 4/5
Call me "Totty" :-)
My first ever anime experience. Not really sure what to make of it really. I can understand why its such a niche market, even if you make allowances for having to read subtitles, and for the fact I didn't see the first movie, the plot was pretty hard to follow, although I think I did a lot better than the bunch of teenagers who I overheard saying things like "I just didn't get it" on the way out.
Having thought about it a bit, I think the problem the film has is that it's trying to be both dramatic (in terms of the action) and thought provoking (in the sense of what is really the difference between a machine and a human, blah, blah, blah)
I don't think I'd recommend it, but I did see potential in it, so I don't think I'll rule out watching more Japenese films in the futute.
Rating: 2/5
Rating: 2/5
The buildings, scenery, costumes and choreography all play their own part in the atmosphere and magic of the film.
In summary: A must see for any P&P fan, and anybody who doesn't actively hate happy endings.
Rating: 4/5
All in all, the negatives don't really detract too much from the enjoyment value of the film, and in some ways are even quite amusing. To sum it up in one word - Fun. Rating: 3.5/5
Crash is a film that it's very hard to explain what happens, but in general its an exploration of stereotypes, particularly racial stereotypes, but also looks at the idea of "good" and "bad". Refreshingly, the film avoids many of the Hollywood clichès, and it's nice to see Sandra Bullock doing something a bit different. It was also nice to see a film that wasn't just an ego trip for a big name, but instead a serious of well developed characters that played second fiddle to the film itself.
This is the first time I've seen a proper Bollywood film at the cinema. Although the westernised Indian and Britsh Indian films I've seen gave me a little bit of an idea what to expect, it was certainly unlike any film I've ever seen.
The plot was fairly shaky, with much of the characterisation being implausible — not that I have much idea what an Orthopedic surgeon from Mumbai would be like. However, the girls were sexy, the costumes colourful, and the music and dancing lively.
Rating: 3/5 (but mainly for the novelty value!)
Update: I'm trying to work out what the title actually means. I've pieced together the following from an online hindi dictionary
maine | ?? | my (not sure) |
piyar | पियार | love |
kyun | क्यो | how? what? |
kiya | किया | doings, deed, done, performed |
This action romantic comedy film, staring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, is the first film I've been to in a while without seeing either any reviews or any trailers — in other words I was seeing it blind. I really enjoyed the film, particularly because I didn't have a clue what it was about, or what direction it was heading in.
Rating: 3.5/4Those who know me well, will be aware that "spoilers" are one of my top ten peeves. ITV are probably the worst offenders, as they seem to assume that trailers are there to enable the viewer to avoid watching the program at all. Books are much more hit and miss. Many books (particularly in hard back) do not have a blurb at all, and a few (e.g. Terry Pratchett's Discworld or Douglas Adam's The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy) have a blurb written by the author themselves that can be considered part of the book. Many other books however, have blurbs that pretty much ruin the pleasure of reading the book itself, by giving away cruicial information that wont be revealed until well into the plot itself.
For books, reading the blurb is of course optional, and I generally leave reading the blurb til the end. Cinema trailers are much harder to avoid, as you can't see films without first being exposed to trailers for "upcoming releases" many of which you will probably be planning on seeing anyway (or for which the trailer only reinforces my desire not to see it).
Rating: 3/5